The skin is one of the body's underappreciated organs.

Our skin, the body's largest organ, goes through daily metabolism and requires nutrients. But where do the nutrients we consume go first? They prioritize essential organs like the brain and heart,leaving the skin for last. On the flip side, daily exposure to things like UV rays,PM2.5 particles, and acidic or alkaline environments starts with our skin! For instance: A 60-year-old person can walk, work, live, and think without any issues. But take a look at their skin? Wrinkles are clearly visible. From our daily lives, we can conclude: The body's defense against the external environment and daily protection primarily rely on the skin, and aging also starts with the skin. In the hierarchy of life's priorities, the skin comes last. So, have you noticed that the skin isn't as appreciated as it should be? Considering the skin's importance, why not take good care of it with diligence? #skincare #beauty tips #anti aging #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode #ESS #eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: Photo from:


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