
Showing posts from February, 2024

What does each layer of skin absorb?

① "Stratum corneum" eats cream Function of the stratum corneum: It serves as a protective barrier, waterproofing, and preventing the invasion of bacteria and harmful substances; it consists of 6-10 layers of dead skin cells. Why use cream? This layer holds 15%-30% of the skin's moisture. Without cream, moisture will be lost, leading to thinning of the stratum corneum, sensitivity, redness, loss of elasticity, dryness, pigmentation, and fine lines. ② "Translucent layer" hydrates Function of the translucent layer: It controls skin moisture, preventing loss and excessive intake of water. Why hydrate? Water is commonly used and provides excellent protection for the skin. The translucent layer exists only on the palms and soles; therefore, without water, the skin lacks moisture retention and luster. ③ "Granular layer" nourishes with lotion Function of the granular layer: It prevents foreign substances and filters ultraviolet rays. Why use lotion? The granu

Can staying hydrated really help with oil control? Well, the key to managing oiliness lies in keeping your skin well-hydrated.

Dealing with excess facial oil is a hassle for many folks with oily skin, and it's a concern that a lot of people share. Too much oil can lead to clogged pores, a shiny complexion, and pesky breakouts. So, does staying hydrated actually do the trick when it comes to managing oiliness? Absolutely. Let me break it down for you. Yep, staying hydrated can indeed help control oil. When your skin is too dry, it tends to produce more oil. It's like a feedback loop – dry skin prompts more oil production, leading to an imbalance. This imbalance can leave you with skin that's oily on the surface but lacking moisture underneath. To dial down the oil production, it's crucial to give your skin a good dose of hydration to strike that perfect moisture-oil balance. So, how do you go about it? - For your everyday skincare routine, pick products that hydrate and suit your skin. After your skincare routine, a little facial massage can enhance absorption, making sure your skin stays mois

Starting a Daily Routine for Spot Care! Check Out 5 Effective Rules for Brightening Your Skin

So, a lot of us, myself included, love soaking up the sun, but those pesky spots on our faces can be quite a bother. After a good sunbathing session, the next thought is always how to tone down those spots. Let's go through 5 things to keep in mind for brightening your skin. 1. Up Your Sunscreen Game Sun UV rays pack UVA, UVB, and UVC, with UVA diving deep into the skin's layers, coaxing melanocytes into making melanin. So, basking in the sun can easily lead to those dark brown spots. To dodge the spots and genuinely lighten them, don't slack on daily sun protection. Pick a sunscreen that suits you and reapply every 1-2 hours (for indoor folks, every 4 hours is good, or just top up whenever you feel like it). Also, throw on a hat or a mask for that extra shield against UV rays. 2. Regularly Kick Out Old Skin Cells Piling up old dead skin cells on your face might clog up your pores, making it a struggle for oil and dirt to find their way out. Regularly kicking out t

Correct Facial Cleansing Formula

Facial cleansing removes physiological and exogenous dirt. Physiological dirt refers to substances produced, secreted, or excreted by the body, including shed cells and sebum; exogenous dirt refers to microorganisms, environmental pollutants, and residues from various cosmetics. Moreover, washing one's face requires technique; water temperature, method, and the choice of cleansing products are all important. • Dermatologists recommend a facial cleansing formula: Water temperature of 32℃ + pH 5.5 to 7 facial cleanser + 15 gentle massages + 2 minutes duration + appropriate cleansing tool + skincare within 3 minutes. No.1 Choose a water temperature of 32℃ Scientific experiments have shown that the temperature of the human face is 32℃, so it is recommended to maintain the face washing water temperature at around 32℃, which can effectively remove various dirt and metabolic products. Frequent use of high-temperature hot water can remove oil effectively, but it will continuously damage t

Damaged skin barrier: To wash or not to wash?

Our skin has this fantastic self-repair mechanism. During sensitive times, skipping the face wash lets the sebum film protect the damaged skin barrier, providing relief. However, for most of us, avoiding face washing might lead to various skin issues. Facial skin is in a constant state of metabolism, secreting oils and sweat, creating an ideal environment for bacterial growth. Prolonged neglect could result in infections, breakouts, dullness, enlarged pores, and blackheads. So, how often should you wash your face? It depends on your skin type, condition, and environment: Different skin types, different face washing routines. For oily skin, use a strong cleanser morning and night, and if oily during the day, a gentle wipe with a water-dipped cotton pad works. Limit exfoliating products to once a week, not exceeding twice. Normal to dry or sensitive skin? In the morning, a water rinse is enough. For the night, opt for a mild, non-foaming cleanser. During sensitive skin periods, reduce

Skincare products not being absorbed equals no effect?

In our daily skincare routines, we often encounter this issue: feeling like skincare products are not being absorbed by the skin. The absorbency of skincare products is also a standard many people use to judge their effectiveness: skincare products that are not easily absorbed tend to feel greasy when applied to the skin, lacking the feeling of nourishment; skincare products that are absorbed by the skin result in noticeable improvements in skin texture and a refreshing sensation on the skin's surface. Why do we often feel like skincare products are not being absorbed? How much does the lack of absorption affect skincare effectiveness? Today, let's delve into the topic of skincare product absorbency in detail, and you'll understand it better after reading. What is absorption? When we talk about skincare products being absorbed by the skin, we mostly refer to a kind of skincare experience where the product feels comfortable on the skin's surface, achieving a so-called

Reasons for Skincare Products Not Being Absorbed

Why might there be an issue with skincare products not being absorbed? The inability of skincare products to be absorbed can be attributed to three factors. 1.Skin Barrier Dysfunction: If the sensation of non-absorption persists despite using lightweight skincare products, basic hydrating products, or changing between various skincare items, it's crucial to examine the condition of your skin and whether the barrier structure is compromised. The absorption process of skincare products relies on the health of the stratum corneum, and issues such as abnormal stratum corneum structure leading to dryness, dehydration, and significant loss of internal moisturizing factors can hinder the normal absorption process, resulting in skincare products not being absorbed effectively. Signs of a compromised skin barrier include frequent redness, severe dryness shortly after applying skincare products, rough skin texture, sensitivity, and a combination of oily and dry skin. These symptoms

Symptoms of Dehydrated Skin

Most skin problems are caused by skin dehydration, especially during the autumn and winter seasons. Signs include redness and sensitivity, dryness and tightness after washing your face, and makeup not adhering well with noticeable fine lines. These are signals of skin dehydration, which not only leads to rough and dull skin but can also accelerate aging. This article will help you recognize symptoms of dehydrated skin, understand the root causes, and share tips for hydration to keep your skin moisturized. Six Signs of Dehydrated Skin You Should Know: 1. Peeling and flaking: Dehydrated skin causes the shedding of the stratum corneum, leading to skin peeling. 2. Dryness and itching: Insufficient moisture prevents the stratum corneum cells from supporting skin elasticity, resulting in loose and sensitive skin with redness and tightness. 3. Acne issues: Dehydrated skin disrupts the balance between water and oil, causing excess oil to clog pores and contribute to acne problems. 4. Enlarge

Do you know these skincare trivia?

Even if you diligently care for your skin every day, do you find it hard to maintain its health? Is your skin not as radiant as you'd like it to be despite your efforts? The problem might lie in the skincare details you often overlook. Here are five seemingly ordinary skincare tips that many people are unaware of or even do the opposite. Take note of these skincare trivia and start improving your routine to achieve better results. 1. Try not to wash your face while showering. It's recommended to wash your face before showering because the water temperature and pressure from the showerhead can easily damage your skin. 2. Sunscreen can be washed off with facial cleanser. Many dermatologists suggest that unless you're using waterproof sunscreen, regular sunscreen can be washed off effectively with facial cleanser without the need for makeup remover. 3. Too many skincare steps can be detrimental. Skin has limited absorption capacity, so using too many layers of skincare produ

Why Your Skin Needs a Regular Deep Clean

Keeping your skin healthy involves more than just a good skincare routine—it's about giving your skin a deep clean regularly. When your pores get clogged, your skin can't breathe, leading to a lackluster appearance and a buildup of bacteria. The more your skin gathers dead skin cells, bacteria, and oils, the more it becomes dehydrated, which can result in those pesky wrinkles. This prolonged stress on the skin can even cause melanin to deposit, causing uneven pigmentation. Plus, your skincare products can't do their job properly if they can't fully penetrate the skin. Nutrients struggle to reach the cells, and bacteria thrive in your pores, causing issues like acne and enlarged pores. That's why deep cleansing is so crucial for maintaining healthy skin. First off, it's a game-changer for restoring your skin's radiance by effectively getting rid of surface dirt and dead skin cells. Those impurities on the surface can really mess with your skin's abilit

Why is the skin on the face the worst all over the body?

You might be wondering why, despite spending a fortune on skincare products and diligently caring for your skin every day, your facial skin is not as delicate as you imagined. In fact, it might even be worse than the skin on your arms or legs, which you casually apply body lotion to. So, what are the reasons that make the skin on the face always seem worse than other parts of the body? There are both inherent reasons for the inferiority of facial skin and external influences to consider. Facial skin is inherently thinner and more delicate than most other parts of the body, making it more susceptible to irritation. Additionally, our skin contains sebaceous glands, which produce oil to maintain the skin's barrier function. While these glands are present throughout the body, they are particularly abundant on the face. However, an excessive secretion of oil can lead to various skin problems such as dryness or oiliness, depending on factors like temperature, hormones, and diet. Exte