What does each layer of skin absorb?

① "Stratum corneum" eats cream Function of the stratum corneum: It serves as a protective barrier, waterproofing, and preventing the invasion of bacteria and harmful substances; it consists of 6-10 layers of dead skin cells. Why use cream? This layer holds 15%-30% of the skin's moisture. Without cream, moisture will be lost, leading to thinning of the stratum corneum, sensitivity, redness, loss of elasticity, dryness, pigmentation, and fine lines. ② "Translucent layer" hydrates Function of the translucent layer: It controls skin moisture, preventing loss and excessive intake of water. Why hydrate? Water is commonly used and provides excellent protection for the skin. The translucent layer exists only on the palms and soles; therefore, without water, the skin lacks moisture retention and luster. ③ "Granular layer" nourishes with lotion Function of the granular layer: It prevents foreign substances and filters ultraviolet rays. Why use lotion? The granular layer can absorb and filter ultraviolet rays. Lack of lotion nourishment leads to dullness, pigmentation accumulation, and darkening of the skin. ④ "Spiny layer" generally uses essence Function of the spiny layer: It has the ability to divide and proliferate cells, providing nutrients to cells. Why use essence? The spiny layer requires essence, which is crucial. It consists of cell fluid and immune fluid, determining the skin's immunity. People who don't use essence regularly may experience sagging, lack of elasticity, and various skin issues like acne, blackheads, and mites when the spiny layer is unhealthy. ⑤ "Basal layer" uses top-tier essence Function of the basal layer: It has the role of division, reproduction, and regeneration of the epidermis. Why use essence? The basal layer, the bottom layer of the skin, requires essence care. Proper hydration and care of this layer result in plump and elastic skin. However, when the basal layer is unhealthy, it affects the production of new cells, leading to the formation of melanocytes and pigmentation. ⑥ "Dermis" nourishes with serum Function of the dermis: It provides support. Why use serum? The dermis consists of the superficial papillary layer and the deep reticular layer, mainly composed of collagen and elastic fibers, several times thicker than the epidermis. The molecules need to be almost at the nano level and skin-friendly to be easily absorbed. Lack of serum nourishment leads to skin laxity and wrinkle formation. The above is related knowledge about the nutritional needs of each layer of the skin. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. #skincare #beauty tips #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode eye mask#viicode eye patch#anti aging #ESS #eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 VIIgarden: https://us.viigarden.com/


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