What are the symptoms of early aging? At what age should you start anti-aging?

Many people believe that anti-aging skincare is something to consider after the age of 30, but due to busy modern lifestyles, high stress levels, imbalanced diets, and prolonged use of electronic devices, among various external environmental factors like blue light or UV rays, the age at which skin begins to show signs of aging is decreasing. The average rate of aging is increasing year by year. Many people in their early twenties may already have signs of early skin aging without realizing it. Therefore, recognizing the changes in modern lifestyle habits and environments, the trend towards anti-aging skincare in recent years no longer relies solely on age distinctions. Instead, it is suggested to assess the actual condition of the skin to determine whether one should start using relevant anti-aging skincare products. Only by doing so can you maintain your skin in its optimal condition, combat symptoms of early aging as soon as they appear, delay the aging process, and stay youthful at your most beautiful moment. The key is not when to start anti-aging skincare, but rather when to be cautious when the skin shows the following six major signs of early aging: 1. Skin becomes dry: If the skin feels tight after washing and lacks moisture even after using skincare products, or if previously used products suddenly feel insufficiently hydrating and absorb poorly. 2. Fine lines appear: Faint lines around the eyes, crow's feet, under-eye bags, nasolabial folds, or other fine lines begin to appear subtly. The appearance of wrinkles is a significant sign of skin aging, so it's important to pay attention if you notice an increase in fine lines. 3. Enlarged pores: Besides fine lines, enlarged and more noticeable pores are also a characteristic sign of early aging. These enlarged pores, caused by collagen loss leading to decreased skin elasticity, are difficult to eliminate even with moisturizing products. Therefore, using anti-aging skincare products becomes crucial. 4. Makeup doesn't adhere well: Makeup tends to cake, settle into lines, or wear off easily, especially around the eyes. What used to last from morning till evening now requires touch-ups by midday. 5. Slow skin recovery: Scars take longer to fade, and new blemishes are more difficult to clear. Even slight sleep deprivation results in dull, tired-looking skin with dark circles, taking much longer to recover its radiance. 6. Facial muscles become lax: Despite no weight gain or changes in body shape, facial contours become less defined, jawlines lose their sharpness, and there may be the appearance of double chins or slight sagging of the cheeks. Don't be discouraged when early aging symptoms appear; with proper anti-aging skincare, improvement is possible. In the past, age was the boundary for starting anti-aging skincare, but now, due to the trend of skin aging becoming younger, it's recommended to start using anti-aging products when these early signs appear. In addition to enhancing moisturization, early attention to issues like enlarged pores, dullness, and firmness is crucial to keep the skin in its youngest state. #skincare #beauty tips #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode eye mask#viicode eye patch#anti aging #ESS #eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 VIIgarden: https://us.viigarden.com/


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