If you have wrinkles around your eyes that make you look 10 years older,here's how to solve it.

The skin around your eyes is delicate and without proper care, even the best facial skin can be negatively affected. When we make facial expressions, temporary wrinkles, also known as "dynamic wrinkles" or "false wrinkles," form, and disappear when the muscles relax. When the dermis loses collagen and elastin, the wrinkles that remain after the facial muscles relax are known as "static wrinkles" or "true wrinkles". When irreversible static wrinkles appear around the eyes, they must be improved through medical aesthetics.
Here is a self-examination of the four aging issues around the eyes: 1. Dry wrinkles: Fine wrinkles around the eyes that, when severe, form tear troughs and makeup cannot cover them. 2. Laugh lines: As you age, collagen is lost and laugh lines become more visible when you smile. 3. Drooping eyelids: Pressure on the eyelids makes them narrower, making you look dull. 4. Dark circles around the eyes: Poor circulation around the eyes causes them to become dark and dull. What is the cause of rapid aging around the eyes? The skin around the eyes is about 1/5 of the thickness of the facial skin, and it frequently blinks under the drive of the eye muscles, which makes the skin around the eyes prone to wrinkles. In addition, the eye area lacks muscle support and has weak self-protection ability, and the fat content of the eye skin is low, which makes the eye skin easy to lose elasticity and generate wrinkles. Moreover, the skin around the eyes lacks sweat glands and sebaceous glands, so it is easy to dry and lack of water. In order to take care of the eye area and reduce fine lines, we should pay attention to moisturizing the eye area in daily maintenance, use eye care products with massage to reduce eye wrinkles, such as eye cream and eye masks. In addition, we need to break the bad habit of using force to rub the eyes, reduce the damage to the eyes, and prevent aging around the eyes. It is recommended to use skin care products specifically for the eye area instead of general facial skin care products. VIIcode, a brand specifically focused on eye skin, uses friendly plant-based oxygen as its core ingredient and has specially designed products for women aged 30-50. Through the use of oxygen-rich plant extracts, VIIcode enhances the oxygen absorption capacity of eye cells, making the skin plump and full of moisture. #EyeAreaAntiAging#FineLinesReduction


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