Hey there! Did you know that iron deficiency is one of the biggest concerns for women? Your skin, nails, and tongue can actually reflect the symptoms of a lack of iron in your body. Here are 5 common skin signs for you to easily identify and know when to take action. Stay tuned!

It seems unlikely for modern individuals to experience malnutrition or deficiencies. However, certain vitamins and minerals that our bodies can't produce on their own may be lacking due to various reasons, such as an incorrect diet. This can lead to changes in our bodies that should not go unnoticed. But how can we detect these changes early on? Many people often refer to the skin as a mirror of our body's health. Today, we can leverage changes in our skin, as well as observe alterations in our tongue and nails, to gain insight into our overall well-being. The following information is based on expert advice. So, let's take a moment to assess ourselves.
1. Pale Complexion Excessive paleness may be an indication of iron deficiency or anemia, especially when accompanied by symptoms like fatigue, tiredness, or shortness of breath. Dr. Andrea D'Alessio, Director of Medicine and Oncology at San Marco Hospital, explains that anemia is a condition characterized by lower levels of hemoglobin, a red protein present in red blood cells responsible for delivering oxygen to all body tissues. The most common form is iron-deficiency anemia, which, in addition to paleness, may also result in brittle nails and hair loss. 2. Dry and Sensitive Skin There can be various reasons behind dry skin, but one significant factor is a deficiency in vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a critical role not only in supporting our immune system but also in collagen synthesis and maintaining healthy skin, promoting tissue regeneration. A lack of vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, can also lead to scurvy, a condition that was prevalent in the past, particularly among sailors who spent extended periods at sea without access to fresh food. Additionally, symptoms like bleeding gums, tooth loss, muscle pain, and subcutaneous bleeding can also be attributed to a deficiency in vitamin C. 3. Clues from Nail Health The appearance of your nails can reveal potential vitamin deficiencies and provide valuable information about your overall health. Dermatology experts from Humanitas explain that changes in the structure, shape, and color of your nails are not mere imperfections. Instead, they can serve as indicators of underlying health issues. Spoon-shaped Nails If your nails appear flattened with raised edges, thin, rough, and develop ridges, and even have a central depression where water doesn't flow down, resembling a spoon, it may indicate iron or protein deficiency. Other possible causes could be related to thyroid problems or trauma. Nail Breakage If your nails are excessively thin, fragile, or prone to breakage, it may not only indicate an iron deficiency but also a lack of other essential vitamins (A, B6, E) or minerals like zinc, selenium, and copper. This is often a result of an incorrect or unhealthy diet. Additionally, debilitating diseases, long-term medication, or the use of corrosive products for personal or household cleaning can also be contributing factors. White Spots on Nails Known as leukonychia, this condition typically manifests as irregular white spots or stripes on the nails. The causes can vary, including nutritional deficiencies, particularly a lack of iron or zinc. 4. Signs on the Lips Nutritional deficiencies can also manifest on your lips. Experts from Centro Medico Santagostino explain that cheilitis refers to inflammation of the lips, which can affect different areas and present various types. If you notice irritating sores at the corners of your mouth, it could be a result of nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of iron or B vitamins (B2, B12). 5. The Tongue This is why Traditional Chinese Medicine pays close attention to the condition of the tongue to assess overall health. The appearance of the tongue can also reveal a deficiency in vitamin B12. If your tongue looks smooth, with red edges and a red tip, it often involves changes in taste perception. Conversely, a pale tongue may indicate iron-deficiency anemia. #skincare #beauty #eyecream #oxygenskincare#luxury#spa #antiaging#VIIcode


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