How to chose Fresh Makeup/Skincare Products and Store Them Effectively

Before You Buy: Cosmetics on display shelves can easily dry out, oxidize, and be exposed to various environmental factors. - Avoid purchasing makeup from display windows that are in direct sunlight. Sunlight can actually harm cosmetics. When packaging gets warm, it speeds up the aging process, causing makeup to lose its vibrancy and intensity. - Steer clear of cosmetics placed near strong light sources. Intense lights like halogens can heat up cosmetics. If they're stored at high temperatures, products can deteriorate rapidly. Even if the production date is recent, they might not be suitable for use. When buying in a physical store, you can assess the temperature by touching the product. If it feels warm, it might already be spoiled. - Refrain from buying cosmetics that have been returned. If the seller suggests older cosmetics, make sure to check the production date. After Your Purchase: - Store your cosmetics in a cool, dry spot. High temperatures and humidity can damage them. - Make sure to use clean hands, brushes, and applicators. External bacteria and even moisture can cause your cosmetics to spoil prematurely. - Always keep the containers of your cosmetics tightly sealed. If they're not closed properly or left open, they can dry out and become oxidized. Dealing with Expired Cosmetics: - Don't go beyond the expiry date after you've opened the product. Older cosmetics might harbor harmful microorganisms. These can lead to irritation, redness, rashes, and infections. - Use your judgment when it comes to cosmetics that have expired but haven't been used. Some manufacturers claim their products remain unaffected after they've expired. However, it's a good idea to be cautious. If your cosmetics give off a bad odor or look suspicious, it's best to avoid using them. The above information is based on personal experience, not professional advice. If you're dealing with serious skin issues, it's recommended to consult a professional dermatologist for the best possible treatment. Feel free to leave any suggestions or comments below. #skincre #beauty #anti aging #eye mask #eye patch #viicode#eye wrinkle VIIcode blog:


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