Does oily skin need moisturizer?

Hello everyone, today I'd like to share my experience with moisturizer usage. Perhaps you've wondered, just as I have, whether people with oily skin truly need to use moisturizers, so I'd like to share my perspective. Firstly, individuals with oily skin often worry that using moisturizers will make their skin even oilier. However, in reality, the right moisturizer can significantly improve this situation. I've found that if I don't use moisturizer, my skin feels dry, which prompts it to produce more oil to compensate for the moisture loss, ultimately leading to more breakouts. So, for oily skin, it's crucial to choose a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer. I typically opt for gel-based or water-based formulas that don't leave a greasy feeling on the skin. Additionally, I make sure the moisturizer contains some oil-controlling ingredients to help manage excess oil production. If you enjoy wearing makeup, a moisturizer can also make your makeup last longer and stay in place. Of course, everyone's skin is different, so the best approach is to experiment based on your skin's needs. If you're still unsure about whether you need a moisturizer, I suggest trying out some samples to see if they benefit your skin. In summary, based on my experience, people with oily skin can still benefit from using a moisturizer that suits their skin type. It can help balance skin moisture, improve skin condition, and won't make your skin oilier. I hope these suggestions are helpful to everyone! The above is my personal experience sharing, not professional advice. If you have skin concerns, please consult a dermatologist for the best treatment. #skincare #beauty #spa #eye cream #eye patch #eye mask #viicode #ESS #eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: Photo from:


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