How to Cleverly Combine Multiple Serums

Hello, everyone! Today, I'd like to share my personal experience on how to cleverly combine multiple serums. Of course, this is just my perspective, but I hope it can help some of you.
1. Identify Your Skin Needs: Everyone's skin is different, so the first step is to determine your own needs. Do you need hydration, brightening, anti-aging, or other specific effects? 2. Understand the Benefits of Serums: It's essential to know the benefits of each serum and when to use them. For instance, Vitamin C serum has antioxidant properties and is suitable for morning use, while hyaluronic acid serum provides hydration and is ideal for the evening. 3. Layering: Typically, I start with lighter serums and then move on to thicker ones. This helps with absorption and ensures that each product can deliver its maximum benefits. 4. Choose Compatible Serums: Make sure the serums you choose are compatible with each other and won't cause adverse reactions on your skin. Avoid mixing products with opposite pH values or ingredients. 5. Time Gaps: Allow some time between different serums to let each product absorb. I usually wait for about 1-2 minutes. 6. Establish a Daily Skincare Routine: Try to create a skincare routine that suits you, scheduling different serums for different times. For example, you can use antioxidant serums in the morning and hydrating serums at night. 7. Be Patient and Observe: Skincare takes time, so be patient and observe your skin's condition. If you find that a particular combination doesn't work for you, you can adjust or eliminate specific serums. These are my personal tips and not professional advice. If you have severe skin issues, please consult a dermatologist for the best treatment. Remember, skincare is a personalized journey, so find what works best for you, experiment, and adjust as needed. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, feel free to leave a comment below. Let's all have healthy and radiant skin together! #skincare#beauty #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #Eastsuperstar#ESS #viicode VIIcode blog: Photo from:


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