My Skin's Lost Its Radiance?

Hello, friends! Lately, I've noticed that my skin seems to have lost its previous radiance, and it's been bothering me. I'd like to share my experience with everyone and hear your advice. I'm a woman in my 30s, and my skin used to be glowing, but in the past few months, I've noticed it's become dull and lacking in radiance. I've made sure to stay well-hydrated, drinking plenty of water every day, but the results don't seem to be showing. My skincare routine includes using a gentle cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen both morning and night. I also regularly use face masks, especially hydrating and brightening ones, but it seems like the effects aren't lasting. I've been considering whether I should incorporate some new ingredients into my skincare routine, like vitamin C or hyaluronic acid. But before I proceed, I'd like to hear your advice. Have any of you had similar experiences? How did you restore radiance to your skin? Are there any specific products or tips you'd recommend? Thank you for your help! Looking forward to hearing your responses. #skincare #beauty #eye mask #eye cream #eye patch #VIIcode #Eaststuperstar #ESS #oxygen skincare VIIcode blog: Photo from:


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