The Role of Facial Oils in Skincare Routine

Hello, everyone! I'd like to discuss an essential element of my skincare routine, which is facial oils. I've always been interested in this topic because I believe it can make my skin healthier, but I also understand that it's not necessary for everyone. So, I'd like to share some of my experiences and look forward to hearing your thoughts. For me, facial oil has become an indispensable part of my skincare routine. My skin is combination, and sometimes it can get dry, especially in the winter. Recently, I started using rosehip oil, and I found it to be very beneficial for my skin. It not only provides deep hydration but also reduces redness and sensitivity. I typically use it at night, applying a few drops evenly on my face and gently massaging it in. When I wake up in the morning, my skin feels soft and smooth. Of course, facial oil isn't suitable for everyone, especially those who already have oily skin. I've also tried other types of facial oils, and some may be too greasy for my skin. So, I believe it's important to choose the right oil for yourself and use it cautiously to avoid clogged pores or breakouts. The above is my personal experience sharing, not professional advice. If you have skin issues, please consult a dermatologist for the best treatment. I'd like to know your opinions and experiences. Do you use facial oils in your skincare routine? If so, which oil do you use? How does it affect your skin? If you don't use facial oils, do you have other skincare secrets? Let's discuss, share our knowledge and experiences, and help each other achieve healthier skin! #skincare #eye patch #eye mask #eye cream #anti aging #spa #Eastsuperstar #ESS #viicode VIIcode blog: Photo form:


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