What is Minimalist Skincare?

Today, let's talk about minimalist skincare. Have you heard of it? Here's a simple explanation: Minimalist skincare focuses on choosing the right products rather than expensive ones. It's about using skincare products that suit your skin rather than piling on unnecessary ones.
I once met a lady who used few different serums in a single skincare routine, and I've also seen friends who invested in high-end skincare brands but still had skin issues. This tells us that price doesn't always equal effectiveness. However, minimalist skincare doesn't mean using nothing at all. Instead, it encourages us to select the simplest skincare products and methods based on objective factors like season, age, and environment, to properly care for our skin. On my minimalist skincare essentials list, there are a few products I always use. VIICODE T2 Oxygen eye cream are one of them, as they work wonders for under-eye dark circles and fine lines. Aesop's facial mist has always provided a refreshing natural feeling, making my skin feel comfortable and healed. LancĂ´me's serum left a lasting impression on me when I first tried it; it made me feel very reassured. Lastly, a sheet mask is always a good choice. GROWN ALCHEMIST's Repair Mask is a product worth trying, suitable for year-round use. VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 Photo from: https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/photo/7662440/


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