My Acne Control Journey Over the Last Six Months

For anyone who deals with acne, the quest for an effective remedy is an ongoing challenge. However, acne is influenced by various factors, and it's tough to completely get rid of it (or, some might say, it's not entirely curable). What we can do is reduce or prevent skin inflammation to alleviate the symptoms. Here are the methods I personally use to manage acne: 1: Keep your skin clean, but don't go overboard. Proper cleansing helps control oil and reduces the chances of clogged pores, making it less likely for acne to pop up. However, excessive cleaning can lead to skin irritation and chronic inflammation, which increases the risk of acne. 2: Avoid products that irritate your skin. Instead of opting for skincare products that can cause skin inflammation, choose ones with gentle ingredients that won't aggravate your skin. 3: Remove makeup promptly, especially before bed and before working out. Sleeping with makeup on can interfere with skin exfoliation, clog your pores, and raise the chances of acne. 4: Don't use heavy or greasy moisturizers. These can make oily skin even oilier and clog your pores. It's best to pick lightweight moisturizers. 5: Wearing makeup itself doesn't necessarily lead to acne. Properly removing makeup is key; it doesn't have a significant impact once it's thoroughly cleaned off. 6: Use lightweight hair care products. Many people tend to overlook this aspect. If you have bangs or hair that frequently touches your skin (especially if your skin is prone to acne), using heavy, waxy hair care products can clog your pores and trigger acne. Hair conditioners can also potentially cause acne, so make sure to keep the areas they touch clean. 7: Sun protection is crucial. Sunburn is a form of inflammation, and avoiding inflammation is key to preventing acne. You can opt for lightweight sunscreen or use physical sun protection methods like carrying an umbrella. To achieve healthy skin, it's essential to maintain good habits alongside using suitable products. While skincare products play a role, relying solely on them isn't enough. It takes a combination of good habits. These are my personal experiences I'm sharing here, not professional advice. If you're facing severe skin issues, please consult a dermatologist for the best treatment. Feel free to share your own acne-fighting experiences in the comments below! #skincare #beauty #anti aging#eye mask #eye patch #viicode #ESS #eastsuperstar#eye cream #beauty spa VIIcode blog: Photo from:


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