Our Skin is Always Changing

I'd like to share some of my personal experiences and insights on skincare for mature women. In this journey, I've come to realize something crucial – our skin's well-being relies on our ability to observe and adapt to its ever-changing nature. First and foremost, it's important to understand that our skin is dynamic. Many people tend to believe that a set of skincare products can remain constant over time, but the reality is quite different. Various factors, including seasonal changes, environmental influences, hormonal shifts, and lifestyle choices, impact the condition of our skin. As we grow older, our skin's resilience against external factors diminishes, making it more susceptible to change. Just as our mood affects our overall well-being, emotions play a significant role in the health of our skin. Maintaining a positive outlook is essential for having great skin. Emotions have a profound impact on hormone regulation within our bodies, a critical aspect for our skin. Whether it's melanin levels or the state of our subcutaneous blood vessels, these are influenced by the hormones within us. When we experience negative emotions like stress, fear, anger, or sadness, our skin is more likely to develop issues. Therefore, in our skincare routines, it's not just about adjusting products to match our changing skin but also about managing our emotions. A happy and positive attitude can go a long way in helping us achieve healthier and more youthful skin. So, remember that it's not only about the products you choose but also about maintaining a balanced inner and outer well-being to get the best skincare results. If you have any experiences or advice to share, please feel free to leave a comment below! #skincare #beauty #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #eastsuperstar#ESS #viicode VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 Photo from: https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/photo/17611869/


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