Why do pimples always appear in the same spot?

I want to talk about a common issue that often troubles us - why do pimples keep appearing in the same spot? I believe many people have experienced this, where pimples continuously pop up in the same area, and just when you think they're gone, they reappear. Through some research and personal experience, I've found some possible reasons. Let's explore them together. 1. Severe damage to the skin in the area with previous pimples: Areas that have had pimples, after experiencing skin damage, inflammation, and exposure to stimulating skincare products, have more severely compromised skin barriers compared to areas without previous pimples. So, when exposed to factors that trigger pimple growth, the chances of getting pimples again in the same area are much higher. 2. Failure to completely eliminate the pimple's root: While you might temporarily suppress inflammation and get rid of the surface "pimple," the underlying issues in the skin's deeper layers that aren't visible to the naked eye might still persist. Therefore, even after visible pimples disappear, it's essential to pay attention to lifestyle, diet, and skincare to prevent them from reoccurring in the same location. At this point, the pimple isn't a new one but rather a "fruit" that grew from the same root as the previous one. 3. Lack of self-control right after pimples vanish: As soon as there are signs of improvement in the previous pimple, self-control tends to waver, and indulgence in drinks, snacks, and fried food becomes the norm. These foods are often known to cause pimples, especially during the recovery period. It's crucial not to assume that a pimple is completely gone just because it's no longer visible; you should stay disciplined for a while and occasionally indulge. 4. Constitutional issues: For instance, if one person always gets pimples on their chin, and another person consistently has them on their forehead, a common factor is that they appear only in that particular area. In such cases, it might be necessary to consider whether it's related to one's overall constitution. The above is based on personal experience and is not professional advice. If you have serious skin issues, please consult a dermatologist for the best treatment. Of course, feel free to share your stories and experiences in the comments below. #skincare #beauty tips #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode eye mask#viicode eye patch#anti aging #ESS #eastsuperstar Photo from: https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/photo/6476065/ VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3


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