Why is Autumn Skin Prone to Allergies?

Autumn is a delightful season for most people, but it's also a time when our skin requires extra attention. Why is that? I'll share my experiences and insights on why skin allergies are common during autumn. Firstly, while autumn sunlight is beautiful, the UV rays become stronger, so ensuring proper sun protection for your skin is crucial. Furthermore, the significant temperature fluctuations in the fall can lead to moisture loss from your skin. Combined with the dry indoor heating, your skin might feel tight, rough, and even start peeling due to dehydration. Another reason for autumn allergies is the relatively low humidity in the air. This can cause skin dryness, and individuals with a weak skin barrier are more susceptible to symptoms of dehydration allergies, including redness, itching, and stinging. For some people, their specific constitution can contribute to autumn allergies. During seasonal transitions, the immune system can become vulnerable, especially for those with sensitive skin, making them more prone to skin issues. Lastly, pay attention to the cosmetics and products you use. Autumn often requires more hydration, and using overly nutrient-rich cosmetics can disrupt your skin's balance and easily trigger allergy symptoms. In summary, autumn is a season when our skin is prone to allergies, but with the right skincare measures, we can enjoy a beautiful and healthy autumn. The above is based on my personal experience and not professional advice. If you have severe skin issues, please consult a dermatologist for the best treatment. Have you experienced similar feelings in autumn? Feel free to leave a comment below to share your skincare experiences and advice #skincare #beauty #viicode eye mask #viicode eye patch #eye cream #ESS #eastsuperstar #anti aging Photo from:https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/photo/6995764/ VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3


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