What causes of Blackheads? I've been on a quest to understand the ins and outs of blackheads, and I wanted to share my personal insights with you all. Causes of Blackheads: 1. Sebum Overproduction: The blackheads often emerge in the T-zone due to an excess of sebum secretion. Our facial T-zone, rich in sebaceous glands, tends to pump out more oil, leading to enlarged pores and the formation of those pesky black dots. 2. Clogged Pores by Dead Skin Cells: The flow of sebum can be hindered when dead skin cells fail to shed properly, resulting in a blockade within the pores. Microbes in the follicles create a biofilm, acting like glue that traps dead skin cells and oils, ultimately forming blackheads. 3. Microbial Overgrowth: An overabundance of various microbes can create clumps, and some of these microbes can stimulate sebum production, initiating a vicious cycle that perpetuates the development of blackheads. Why is the Nose Blackhead Central? The nose tends to be a hotspot for blackheads, and here's why: 1. Abundance of Sebaceous Glands: The nose is home to numerous sebaceous glands that naturally produce copious amounts of sebum. Inadequate cleansing can lead to the accumulation of metabolic byproducts, clogging pores and resulting in blackheads. 2. Environmental Factors: Your surroundings play a role too! If your environment is rife with impurities and dust, these particles can adhere to the surface of your nose. Over time, they delve deep into the pores, causing blockages and, you guessed it, blackheads. Let's swap our experiences and tips on tackling these blackhead woes! What's your tips for blackheads? #skincare #beauty tips #anti aging #eye cream #eye mask #eye patch #VIIcode #Eastsuperstar #beauty spa VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 Photo from: https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/photo/6001227/


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