Why is it that even the most expensive skincare products don't seem to work?

I recently came across an interesting topic that I think we can all relate to – the frustration of spending a small fortune on skincare products and not seeing the desired results. It got me thinking, what's the root cause of this issue? Many of us are constantly on the hunt for that magical product that will transform our skin overnight, but in reality, it's not that simple. It's easy to get caught up in the hype and marketing of expensive skincare products, but there's a fundamental principle we need to understand: skincare is more than just the products you use. The key to effective skincare lies in understanding the foundational logic behind it. If you neglect this, no matter how hard you try, you might end up disappointed with the results. Instead of achieving that flawless complexion, you might find yourself dealing with issues like sensitivity, redness, or dullness that seem to be getting worse. So, what is this foundational logic I'm talking about? It's all about starting with a solid skincare base and then building from there. In other words, you need to follow a logical sequence in your skincare routine. ✅ Skincare's Foundational Logic: Start with Simplified Skincare, then Level Up ✅ The Order of Foundational Logic: Basic Needs > Problem Needs > Advanced Needs Think of it like constructing a building – you need a strong foundation before you can add more layers. Simplified skincare covers the basic needs of your skin, which include proper cleansing, hydration, and protection. Only when these basic needs are met can you move on to more advanced concerns like skin whitening, anti-aging, or acne treatment. Basic Needs: Proper Cleansing + Hydration + Sun Protection Problem Needs: Repairing + Redness Reduction More advanced needs like skin brightening or anti-aging can be considered once your skin is stable. Now, here's the catch – the foundational logic of skincare can vary based on your skin type. Not all skin types have the same needs. It's essential to tailor your skincare routine to address specific issues rather than blindly following trends. This way, you'll avoid wasting time and money on products that might not be suitable for your skin. So, before you rush out to buy the latest expensive serum or cream, take a step back and consider whether your skincare routine covers the basics. It's these foundational principles that will set the stage for the real transformation you're looking for. Let's discuss your thoughts and experiences with skincare foundational logic. Do you agree with the importance of starting with a solid base, or have you found other strategies that work for you? Share your insights below! #skincare #beauty tips #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #ant aging #VIIcode eye mask #ESS #eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 Photo from: https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/photo/6968235/


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