Factors Affecting Sebum Secretion

The oil content of our skin varies from person to person and can significantly impact skin health. Below, I've compiled information on factors influencing sebum secretion. Let's delve into it. 1. Hormone Levels: Changes in levels of androgens, estrogens, adrenal sebum hormones, and pituitary hormones can lead to variations in sebum secretion. Elevated androgen levels, for example, can cause an increase in sebum production—a crucial factor in robust sebum secretion. 2. Temperature: As skin temperature rises, sweat and sebaceous glands become more active, resulting in increased sweat and sebum production. Research indicates that for every 1°C increase in skin temperature, the sebum secretion rate rises by 10%, contributing to oilier skin in summer and drier skin in winter. 3. Cleansing Habits: Improper cleansing methods, such as frequent use of soap or excessive exfoliation, can damage the skin's outermost sebum layer. Damaged sebum membranes make the skin sensitive, dry, and more susceptible to infections. If your face feels dry and tight after washing, it's a sign to reduce the intensity of cleansing. 4. Diet: Foods high in calories, sugar, and fat, such as fried and sugary items, stimulate sebum production, exacerbating skin oiliness. Therefore, individuals with acne issues should avoid sweet and greasy foods. 5. Mental Health: Psychological factors influence sebum secretion; stress and excitement can increase sebum gland activity. Some studies suggest that while mental stress may not significantly affect sebum, it can worsen acne symptoms. 6. Microorganisms: Certain bacteria affect sebum secretion; acne-causing bacteria and Malassezia fungi stimulate sebaceous gland cells to produce lipids. Meanwhile, facial sebum levels can be reduced by Propionibacterium acnes and Demodex mites (common in rosacea patients). Understanding these factors can help effectively manage skin health. #eye mask #skincare#beauty tips #eyecream #eye patch #spa #anti aging #VIIcode #Eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 VIIgarden: https://us.viigarden.com/


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