How to Care for a Damaged Skin Barrier

Signs of a Damaged Barrier: 1. Excessive oiliness with internal dryness, accompanied by facial redness. 2. Enlarged pores, dull and yellowish complexion, often with an overall oily appearance. 3. Skincare products are challenging to absorb, and they may even ball up. 4. Accelerated skin aging, with the emergence of fine lines and dry wrinkles. 5. Persistent issues like widespread closed comedones and stubborn conditions like seborrheic dermatitis. 6. Dry and itchy skin, accompanied by peeling and flaking. 7. Despite cleansing, the face remains dry and tight after 10 minutes. 8. Increased sensitivity and vulnerability, making hydration challenging in autumn and winter. 9. Redness, stinging, and itching occur after wearing a mask for over half an hour. Causes of Barrier Damage: Internal Factors: 1. Genetic factors: Naturally thin stratum corneum, weak sebaceous gland function, and lower oil secretion. 2. Aging: As age increases, overall body functions decline, reducing the ability to defend against external threats. 3. Other factors: Regularly staying up late, unhealthy lifestyle habits hindering the skin's self-repair. External Factors: 1. Over-cleansing: Frequent use of cleansing masks, scrubs, soap-based cleansers, leading to thinning of the stratum corneum. 2. Improper Skincare: Excessive exfoliation through brushing accelerates the shedding of the stratum corneum, disrupting the integrity of the skin barrier. Daily use of masks can cause over-hydration, making the barrier fragile. 3. Lack of Sun Protection: Inadequate sun protection during outdoor activities results in prolonged exposure to UV rays, accelerating photoaging and cellular damage. 4. Delayed Repair after Aesthetic Procedures: Some procedures, typically involving breaking down and rebuilding, can damage the normal skin structure. Skincare for a Damaged Barrier: 1. Gentle Cleansing: Use amino acid-based mild cleansers, cleansing dry skin once a day, and oily skin 1-2 times daily with lukewarm water. 2. Avoid Improper Skincare: Damaged barriers should avoid exfoliation and friction-related activities. Steer clear of abrasive skincare products. 3. Strict Sun Protection: Damaged barriers struggle to defend against external damage, necessitating daily rigorous sun protection. Physical sunscreens, sun umbrellas, and hats can be used for additional protection. 4. Hydration and Repair: Use simple, hydrating products with ingredients like ceramides, squalane, and recombinant collagen to expedite barrier repair. 5. Minimize Makeup: Reduce makeup application to lessen the burden on the skin. Incomplete makeup removal can worsen skin damage. 6. Maintain a Regular Routine: Skin has self-healing capabilities, so establish a regular routine, allowing time for the skin to adjust and repair. Avoid stress, spicy foods, oily, and alcoholic substances to prevent excess free radical production. Through meticulous care, we can witness the beautiful transformation of skin from damage to rejuvenation. Providing adequate care is not just about external radiance but also a gentle commitment to oneself. Through gentle cleansing, scientifically sound protection, and meticulous repair, let's together safeguard the health of our skin. #skincare #beautytips #eye mask #eye patch# eye cream #eastsuperstar #viicode #anti aging VIIcode blog:


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