What is skin water-oil balance?

Water-oil balance is the ideal state for the skin, and hot weather significantly increases oil production while often accompanied by dehydration. With some attention to skincare details in our daily routine, we can control these issues, achieving healthy and fresh skin. Let's understand what water-oil balance entails. Water-oil balance refers to the skin being in the ideal state of neither too oily nor too dry. The skin's pH should be within the weak acidic range of 5-5.6. Any deviation from this state indicates water-oil imbalance. How does water-oil imbalance affect the skin? Insufficient skin oil can lead to an incomplete sebum barrier, weakened resistance, and dry, flaky skin. What causes water-oil imbalance? 1. Inherent factors: Naturally thin skin lacks natural moisturizing factors, struggles to retain water, resulting in congenital dryness. Overactive sebaceous glands lead to excessive sebum secretion, forming inherently oily skin. 2. Acquired factors: - Incorrect skincare methods - Irregular sleep patterns - Unhealthy diet - Excessive stress - Temperature and humidity changes - Excessive oil control Symptoms of water-oil imbalance include damaged or improperly maintained skin, presenting problems such as acne, aging, allergic redness, pimples, enlarged pores, blackheads, dull skin, pigmentation, excessive oiliness, stickiness, and dry flaking. Water-oil imbalance manifestations: 1. More water, less oil: Neutral skin is prone to oil deficiency, unable to lock in moisture, resulting in dry skin. 2. Less water, less oil: Dry skin evolves from the previous situation, characterized by a lack of both water and oil balance. 3. More oil, less water: Oily skin is more effective at retaining moisture but struggles with hydration. 4. External oil, internal dryness: Not a skin type but a skin problem, where damaged stratum corneum leads to easy water loss. Tips for addressing water-oil imbalance: - Ensure proper makeup removal and face cleansing. - Wash your face gently, avoiding vigorous rubbing. - Hydration and moisturization are crucial. - Besides hydration, focus on locking in moisture. - Avoid frequent use of oil-absorbing sheets. - Incorporate regular exercise into daily life. - Maintain a balanced, light diet rich in fruits and vegetables. - Pay attention to sleep patterns and minimize late nights. - Implement effective sun protection. The above information covers the basics of skin water-oil balance. Feel free to share any suggestions or questions!" #skincare #beauty tips#eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode #eastsuperstar #spa VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 VIIgarden: https://us.viigarden.com/


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