Skincare Products: Less is More

Nowadays, the plethora of products on skincare shelves can be overwhelming. Especially with so-called "multifunctional cosmetics" claiming various benefits such as whitening, moisturizing, and repairing in one essence. Are these multifunctional products really more cost-effective than single-function ones? Let's analyze from three perspectives. Firstly, in terms of ingredient proportion, achieving diversity in functionality inevitably requires more ingredients than single-function products. However, due to concentration limitations, the proportion of each ingredient in the entire product decreases, resulting in less than ideal functionality for each component. Secondly, regarding the nature of ingredients, each ingredient has its own physical and chemical properties, such as form, density, solubility, acidity, etc. These properties determine which ingredients can coexist in the same product without reacting, which could otherwise weaken or nullify their functionalities. The more ingredients there are, the higher the likelihood of reactions occurring between them. Thirdly, in terms of product stability, the more functions a skincare product claims to have, the more stabilizing ingredients it needs, such as emulsifiers and thickeners. With excessively complex formulations, the skin is more prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, the ideal skincare product contains minimal ingredients while delivering maximum efficacy. Additionally, when purchasing skincare products, salespersons often recommend customers to buy products in sets. While this might be a good option for those with singular skincare needs to avoid adverse reactions from ingredient conflicts across different brands, it's less practical for individuals with diverse skincare needs. In such cases, it's best to understand the ingredient list and know which ones can be combined. If unsure, it's advisable to choose products from the same brand but different lines, such as opting for moisturizing cleansers and toners, whitening and moisturizing serums, or wrinkle-reducing and moisturizing night creams. Regardless of the combination, always remember that hydration is fundamental skincare; at least one product should cater to this need. In conclusion, the idea that more ingredients equate to better skincare is debunked. If you have any suggestions or experiences, feel free to share them with us. #skincare #beauty tips #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode eye mask#viicode eye patch#anti aging #ESS #eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: VIIgarden:


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