Why does facial skin tend to be the most problematic from head to toe? Mastering these three things will surely improve your skin!

What causes this state of affairs? And how can we ensure our skin stays healthy in our daily lives? The reasons behind poor facial skin boil down to three main factors: 1. The facial area boasts the richest supply of sebaceous glands in the entire body. These glands work tirelessly to produce oil, leading to a much oilier complexion compared to other body parts, particularly the nose and forehead T-zone. Clogged pores, a result of excess oil, are a primary culprit behind facial acne. If oil lingers in pores or undergoes oxidation, issues like whiteheads and blackheads often follow suit. 2. Unlike other body areas, the face is constantly exposed to external elements such as wind, sun, and, most notably, UV radiation, which can trigger the appearance of freckles, age spots, and sunspots. 3. Beneath the surface of facial skin lies a complex network of expression muscles, fat cells, nerves, and blood vessels. After years of "wear and tear" from emotional expressions, this can exacerbate wrinkles and contribute to sagging skin. So, how can we tackle these challenges in our day-to-day lives? 1. UV radiation poses the most significant threat to our skin. Given our daily exposure, sunscreen becomes indispensable. Dr. Lou Yuchen suggests opting for physical sunscreen, which can be achieved by using sun hats, umbrellas, and other protective gear to minimize UV damage. 2. Skincare is paramount. While many young people are drawn to fancy, high-end skincare products, the most expensive options aren't necessarily the most effective. It's crucial to select products tailored to your skin type that provide moisturizing benefits without triggering allergies. 3. Lifestyle choices play a pivotal role in maintaining facial skin health. Avoiding late nights is crucial, as it compromises the skin's resilience. Regular exercise can promote sweating, keeping sweat glands and hair follicles clear and warding off skin problems like acne. By adhering to these three principles, most individuals can uphold the health of their facial skin. However, if you notice any abnormalities, seeking prompt medical attention and consulting with a qualified professional is essential. Feel free to share any additional suggestions below! #skincare #beauty tips #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode eye mask#viicode eye patch#anti aging #ESS #eastsuperstar VIIcode blog: https://viiblog.com/index.php?route=blog/category&blog_category_id=3 VIIgarden: https://us.viigarden.com/


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