
Showing posts from October, 2023

Daily Skincare Knowledge: Amino Acids

let's talk about amino acids, a vital component in our quest for healthy, radiant skin. What Are Amino Acids? Amino acids are natural moisturizing factors found in the human body, serving as a crucial source of hydration for our skin. You've probably heard of collagen, right? Well, collagen, which is essential for youthful skin, is made up of approximately 1000 amino acids, forming an insoluble fibrous, sugary protein. In other words, collagen = 1000 amino acids combined. But what do we call amino acids in skincare products? Types of Amino Acids in Skincare Amino acids in skincare are a diverse bunch, each with its unique benefits. Here are a few commonly used ones: 1. Antioxidants: Glutathione, Histidine 2. Wound Healing: Arginine, Glutamine 3. Sunscreen Synergy: Histidine 4. Repair: Proline, Arginine The Marvelous Effects of Amino Acids So, why should we care about these little wonders in our skincare routine? 1. Hydration and Moisture Lock Amino acids are skincare'

Tips for Achieving Good Skin Without Breaking the Bank

I’d like to share some personal insights on how to achieve good skin without emptying your wallet. While we love our skincare products, there are some essential practices that can make a world of difference, and they won't cost you a dime! 1. Stay Hydrated It might sound simple, but drinking plenty of water, especially plain water, can work wonders for your skin. It helps speed up the skin's metabolism and keeps it glowing. 2. Get Active Regular exercise and sweating can noticeably brighten your complexion. It's like a free, natural skincare treatment! 3. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule Beauty sleep is real! Regular sleep patterns are crucial for skin health. Avoid those late nights; your skin will thank you. 4. Watch Your Sugar Intake Excessive sugar can lead to dull, yellowish skin. Try to cut back on sugary treats and consider using products with anti-glycation properties to help. 5. Don't Overdo Face Masks Face masks are fantastic, but don&

Have You Heard of Emotional Skincare?

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, as we face various pressures, both our mental well-being and our skin go through a lot. Many of us have noticed that during times of heightened emotional fluctuations, our skin's condition tends to deteriorate. So today, I want to talk about emotional skincare. Our skin is a reflection of our emotions. It's all about discovering that "happy hormone" for our skin, kicking bad vibes to the curb and saying no to inner turmoil. Let's make our skin happy! Why does emotional skincare matter, you ask? Well, it's because our brains produce neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin that regulate our moods, making us feel happy and content. These chemicals also impact our hormonal balance. Prolonged periods of anxiety and stress can throw our hormones out of whack, leading to various skin issues. Emotional skincare is a skincare philosophy that emphasizes improving skin quality and overall health by adjusting our emo

Why shouldn't you over-clean your skin?

I‘d like to talk about something I've learned through personal experience – why over-cleansing your skin can sometimes do more harm than good. Our skin has an amazing natural defense mechanism in the form of sebaceous glands that produce sebum, which we commonly refer to as "oil." This sebum is crucial for keeping our skin healthy and protected. It forms a thin, emollient layer on the skin's surface, helping to retain moisture and shield it from external irritants. However, when we go overboard with cleansing, we strip away this protective layer, and that's where the trouble begins. Our skin senses this loss and tries to compensate by producing even more sebum, thinking it needs to replenish what's been removed. This sets off a vicious cycle – the more you wash, the drier your skin becomes, and the more oil it produces. So, if you've ever found yourself in a situation where you're washing your face more frequently to combat oily skin, it might be t

The Relationship Between Antioxidants and Skincare

I've noticed a lot of talk about antioxidants in skincare products, and I was curious to understand what antioxidants really are and how they relate to our skin. So, I did some research, and here's what I've gathered: What Is Antioxidant? Antioxidants are essentially our skin's shield against free radicals. Now, you might wonder, what are free radicals? These little troublemakers are the result of daily exposure to environmental pollution, UV rays, and sometimes, our not-so-healthy habits. They can wreak havoc on our skin by causing it to look dull, saggy, rough, and even discolored, much like an apple left out in the open air, eventually drying up and turning yellow. So, the primary role of antioxidants is to restore that youthful glow, firmness, and slow down the aging process. Our Relationship with Free Radicals Believe it or not, free radicals are not always villains; they are a natural part of our metabolism. In fact, in the right quantities, they help our bodie

The Importance of Hydrating Your Skin for Better Results

I've seen it many times on this topics – "Hydration is the key to great skin," and "90% of skin issues are due to dehydration." But let's be real, despite our best efforts to quench our skin's thirst, some of us are still struggling with rough texture, enlarged pores, and fine lines. So, what's the deal? Understanding the Science: Our skin's natural moisture level hovers around 20% in the outermost layer, and it increases as we go deeper. This hydration is the foundation for all skin functions, metabolism, and defense mechanisms. When this moisture drops below 10%, trouble brews. Skin cells become lackluster, gaps widen, metabolism slows, and self-repair mechanisms weaken. That's why proper hydration is the real deal when it comes to achieving healthy, radiant skin. Why is Hydration So Crucial? 1. Delay Signs of Aging: Hydration keeps your skin plump and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 2. Acne and Dark Spots Prevention

Our Skin is Always Changing

I'd like to share some of my personal experiences and insights on skincare for mature women. In this journey, I've come to realize something crucial – our skin's well-being relies on our ability to observe and adapt to its ever-changing nature. First and foremost, it's important to understand that our skin is dynamic. Many people tend to believe that a set of skincare products can remain constant over time, but the reality is quite different. Various factors, including seasonal changes, environmental influences, hormonal shifts, and lifestyle choices, impact the condition of our skin. As we grow older, our skin's resilience against external factors diminishes, making it more susceptible to change. Just as our mood affects our overall well-being, emotions play a significant role in the health of our skin. Maintaining a positive outlook is essential for having great skin. Emotions have a profound impact on hormone regulation within our bodies, a critical aspect for

Why is Autumn Skin Prone to Allergies?

Autumn is a delightful season for most people, but it's also a time when our skin requires extra attention. Why is that? I'll share my experiences and insights on why skin allergies are common during autumn. Firstly, while autumn sunlight is beautiful, the UV rays become stronger, so ensuring proper sun protection for your skin is crucial. Furthermore, the significant temperature fluctuations in the fall can lead to moisture loss from your skin. Combined with the dry indoor heating, your skin might feel tight, rough, and even start peeling due to dehydration. Another reason for autumn allergies is the relatively low humidity in the air. This can cause skin dryness, and individuals with a weak skin barrier are more susceptible to symptoms of dehydration allergies, including redness, itching, and stinging. For some people, their specific constitution can contribute to autumn allergies. During seasonal transitions, the immune system can become vulnerable, especially for those

Why do pimples always appear in the same spot?

I want to talk about a common issue that often troubles us - why do pimples keep appearing in the same spot? I believe many people have experienced this, where pimples continuously pop up in the same area, and just when you think they're gone, they reappear. Through some research and personal experience, I've found some possible reasons. Let's explore them together. 1. Severe damage to the skin in the area with previous pimples: Areas that have had pimples, after experiencing skin damage, inflammation, and exposure to stimulating skincare products, have more severely compromised skin barriers compared to areas without previous pimples. So, when exposed to factors that trigger pimple growth, the chances of getting pimples again in the same area are much higher. 2. Failure to completely eliminate the pimple's root: While you might temporarily suppress inflammation and get rid of the surface "pimple," the underlying issues in the skin's deeper layers that

Why Does Skin Moisturizing Cause Stinging Sensation?

Have you ever felt a stinging sensation on your face while using skincare products? I've had that happen a few times, and I'd like to share my personal experiences and insights. 1. Dehydrated Skin: When the deeper layers of your skin are really dry, using highly moisturizing or overly hydrating skincare products can sometimes make your skin feel uncomfortable, leading to that stinging sensation when you moisturize. 2. Incompatible Ingredients in Skincare Products: For some people, certain ingredients in skincare products just don't agree with their skin, causing that stinging sensation. For example, if you have sensitive skin, you might not react well to alcohol, acids, certain active ingredients, or even the preservatives in some products. 3. Damaged Skin Barrier: When your skin's protective barrier is damaged, it can lead to cell contraction, loss of natural lipids between skin cells, and the formation of tiny invisible wounds, all of which can result in that stin

Is there a connection between skin aging and the seasons?

Have you ever noticed that your skin seems to age faster during the fall season? Let's dive into the science behind it and discuss some personal experiences and tips for this common issue. 1. Sluggish Sebum Production As the temperature drops, our skin's sebum production slows down. Sebum, our natural oil, helps to maintain moisture levels in our skin. With less sebum being produced, our skin can become dehydrated and lose that youthful glow. Personal tip: Incorporate a lightweight, hydrating moisturizer into your routine to compensate for the reduced sebum production. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid to keep your skin well-hydrated. 2. Dehydrated Stratum Corneum Low humidity levels in the fall can be brutal for our skin. Dry air can strip our skin of its natural moisture, leading to an imbalanced skin condition. The outermost layer of our skin, the stratum corneum, can also get compromised, making it difficult for our skin to retain moisture. Personal tip: Inve

Does your skin actually absorb skincare products when you use them?

I've been pondering this question for a while now – do our skin really absorb all the skincare products we apply, or is it just sitting on the surface? After some research and personal experiences, here's what I've found: Skin absorption mainly occurs through three pathways: 1. Penetration through the stratum corneum (outermost layer of the skin). 2. Gaps between stratum corneum cells and hair follicles. 3. Sebaceous or sweat glands. The stratum corneum is the most crucial route for absorption, allowing both oil-soluble and water-soluble substances to penetrate. Minimal amounts of certain elements like potassium, sodium, and mercury can pass through the gaps between stratum corneum cells. Here are some signs that your skincare products might not be getting absorbed effectively: 1. Pilling: When your skincare products feel sticky and clump together, that's a clear sign of poor absorption. 2. Breakouts: Ineffective absorption can lead to products clogging your pores

What Kind Of Feeling You Prefer After Applying Skincare products: Fresh vs. Moisturized?

I've always been curious – after applying skincare products, do you prefer the feeling of freshness on your face or the sensation of having a layer of skincare? Personally, I like the clean and fresh feeling, as I believe it means the skincare products have been absorbed into my skin, and it's more comfortable without that greasy feeling, especially at night. A fresher face seems less prone to itching, and I'm less likely to unconsciously touch it, making it feel cleaner. However, I have a friend with a completely different perspective. She enjoys having that layer of skincare on her face, believing it provides a richer and long-lasting moisturizing effect. She thinks it gives him peace of mind, as she believes it helps his skin retain moisture for an extended period, especially during dry seasons. This illustrates the diversity in skincare preferences. Everyone's skin and preferences are different. So, I'm curious to know your thoughts! Which feeling do you pref

Distinguishing Between Essence and Moisturizers

Have you ever found yourself puzzled when it comes to choosing between essence, moisturizers, or lotions? All of them seem to offer rich hydration and nourishment, but what exactly sets them apart? Let me share what I've learned. Characteristics of Essence: In skincare, the nutrients in creams and lotions have larger molecules, which means they mainly provide surface hydration with limited absorption and penetration capabilities. On the other hand, essence is a highly concentrated skincare product with smaller molecular structures. It's known for being highly active, nutrient-rich, and concentrated. This allows it to easily penetrate the outermost layer of the skin, entering the epidermis, and working its way through the layers. This direct influence on basal cells helps the skin absorb nutrients deeply, resulting in a more radiant complexion. The Role of Essence: Essence delivers potent, targeted active ingredients that are quickly absorbed precisely where the skin needs t

The skincare principle focuses on three balances

When it comes to skincare, I've recently come to realize the importance of balancing three key factors. By maintaining these balances, the skin can stay in a healthy and stable condition over time. Here are my personal insights: I like to call it the "Three Balances." These three balances are: the balance of renewal and metabolism, the balance of moisture and oil, and the balance of damage protection and repair. These principles have played a significant role in my daily skincare routine, helping me keep my skin looking and feeling its best. 1. Renewal and Metabolism Balance: Our skin's lower layers are constantly growing, going through normal metabolic processes, and shedding. Having too much or too little shedding of the outermost skin layer can cause problems. Excessive shedding may lead to decreased moisture retention, resulting in dryness and sensitivity. On the other hand, if the skin's surface layer is too thick, it may appear dull. So, it's important

Do you prefer washing your face with warm water or cold water?

I've always wondered about the best choice for washing one's face. Some people say that using cold water can make the skin feel tighter and look brighter, while others opt for warm water to ensure a deep cleanse. Opinions on this topic vary, so I'd like to share my thoughts and personal habits. **Choosing the Right Water Temperature** When it comes to selecting the water temperature for washing your face, I personally lean toward lukewarm water, usually around 34°C (approximately 93°F). This temperature is slightly warmer than your skin's natural temperature but not as hot as your body temperature. When you test the water with your hand, it should feel warm without being too hot. This water temperature offers several advantages: it effectively cleanses the skin without causing any harm. In fact, it can also help soothe the skin, leaving it feeling relaxed, especially after a long day to alleviate fatigue. **Using Makeup Removers Wisely** In our daily skincare routi

Skincare is like a gentle journey

Skincare isn't just a daily routine; it's a way of celebrating and pampering ourselves. It requires us to constantly discover and care for our skin, much like we navigate through life. The pressures and hectic pace of life undeniably take a toll on our skin. The fast rhythms of work and daily living can leave our skin feeling tired and worn out. But we can't just stop. Instead, we need to reclaim our sense of beauty and show our appreciation for life. Skincare is an attitude towards life. It's a commitment to taking good care of the skin that stays with us throughout our lifetime. Whether it's the morning cleansing and care, evening repair, or regular mask treatments, it's all about reminding ourselves that we deserve the best. What's even more important is that skincare is a way of self-love. When we invest time in our skin, we're also expressing respect and care for ourselves. Every time we apply skincare products, we're telling ourselves that

Skin: A Reflection of Inner Essence

I've always believed that our skin isn't just the outer barrier of our bodies; it's also a mirror that reflects our inner emotions and well-being. Every itch, redness, or glow is an extension of our lives, a subtle expression of our inner world. Have you ever pondered whether, in our relentless pursuit of flawless skin, our skincare routines might not be the best fit for us? Life often presents us with various conflicts or dissatisfaction, and these challenges can also manifest in our approach to skincare. Should we stick to the familiar skincare routines we've known, or should we courageously confront issues, start anew, and make necessary adjustments? Just like the natural order, our skin also goes through its "blooming" and "withering" phases. Sometimes, we must embrace this reality and provide the right nourishment and care, much like pruning and feeding the roots, to keep our skin healthy and beautiful at every stage. On this skincare journ

The Ideal Time for Evening Skincare

Today, we're going to talk about the best time for your evening skincare routine, based on my personal skincare experiences. 1. The Perfect Window for Evening Skincare Between 8 PM and 10 PM is when your skin is in its prime for skincare. During this period, our facial skin's metabolism revs up, making it more receptive to the nourishing ingredients in skincare products. Simultaneously, our skin is busy detoxifying itself. That's why your nighttime skincare routine is so vital—it ensures that your skin fully absorbs the benefits of your skincare products. 2. Embrace the Beauty Sleep From 11 PM to 7 AM, you're in the golden hours of beauty sleep. Going to bed before 11 PM can help mitigate many common skin issues. Quality sleep keeps your body's metabolism and detox processes running smoothly, allowing your skin to naturally repair and renew itself without external disturbances. So, getting to bed early, waking up refreshed, and prioritizing a good night's s

The Best Times for Skincare During the Day

Have you ever wondered when the ideal times for skincare during the day? Well, I was curious too, so I did some research, and now I'd like to share my personal insights with you. 1. When to Use Eye Masks: Mornings are truly the perfect time for applying eye masks. It's common to wake up with puffy eyes and dark circles, especially if you stayed up late or drank a lot of water the night before. I usually use eye masks between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM for about 15 minutes. This helps boost blood circulation around the eyes and reduces puffiness and swelling. 2. The Best Time for Hydration: Between 8:00 AM and noon, your skin is at its most active, but it's also vulnerable to moisture loss from factors like computer and phone radiation, hot weather, and indoor air conditioning. To combat this, I like to use a hydrating mist around noon to ensure my skin stays moisturized throughout the day. 3. When to Prioritize Sun Protection: From 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, the sun's UV rays ar

My Acne Control Journey Over the Last Six Months

For anyone who deals with acne, the quest for an effective remedy is an ongoing challenge. However, acne is influenced by various factors, and it's tough to completely get rid of it (or, some might say, it's not entirely curable). What we can do is reduce or prevent skin inflammation to alleviate the symptoms. Here are the methods I personally use to manage acne: 1: Keep your skin clean, but don't go overboard. Proper cleansing helps control oil and reduces the chances of clogged pores, making it less likely for acne to pop up. However, excessive cleaning can lead to skin irritation and chronic inflammation, which increases the risk of acne. 2: Avoid products that irritate your skin. Instead of opting for skincare products that can cause skin inflammation, choose ones with gentle ingredients that won't aggravate your skin. 3: Remove makeup promptly, especially before bed and before working out. Sleeping with makeup on can interfere with skin exfoliation, clog your

Can Moisturizer Replace Eye Cream?

Recently, when I was thinking about buying eye cream, I came across an interesting question: can I use my regular moisturizer around my eyes? After all, moisturizers hydrate the skin on our faces, including the eye area. So, do we really need to invest in a separate eye cream? I decided to look into the differences between moisturizer and eye cream, and I'd like to share my thoughts on it. Moisturizer can indeed help keep the delicate skin around your eyes nourished, but it might not completely replace a dedicated eye cream. Eye creams usually contain specific ingredients designed to target eye-related concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, or puffiness. On the flip side, regular moisturizers could be too heavy or even cause irritation because the skin around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive. In my opinion, for the best eye care results, it's a good idea to use a specialized eye cream in addition to your moisturizer. This way, you can address eye-specific i

Is your skin adjusting well to the changing autumn weather?

With autumn's arrival, I've noticed my skin feeling drier and more dehydrated. I've also been dealing with increased sensitivity, redness, and breakouts on my face. It's a bit perplexing because, despite using the same skincare products I used during the summer, my face feels dry and somewhat rough. Here are some personal skincare tips I focus on during the autumn season: 1. Keeping Hydrated and Moisturized: As the air becomes drier and the wind picks up during autumn and winter, our skin tends to lose moisture, leading to dryness. In contrast to the "refreshing" summer skincare routine, fall and winter call for extra hydration and moisturization. When choosing hydrating and moisturizing products, I tend to go for ingredients like amino acids, hyaluronic acid, and panthenol, known for their excellent moisturizing properties. I also pair these with a lightweight, natural nourishing oil to help my skin retain moisture and prevent it from losing water. 2. St

Maintaining the "Balance" of Your Skin - The Key is Moderation

Think of the human body as a vast forest ecosystem, where the skin is a hidden oasis within, constantly in sync with the body's natural rhythms. Just as the sun rises and sets, and flowers bloom and wither, these are all part of nature's cycle. Withered flowers aren't heartless; they fall into the soil to nourish the next generation of blooms. Nature operates by its own rules, and our skin also needs to follow the "laws of balance and nature," which are essentially "laws of nature" themselves. To keep our skin in balance, using skincare products in moderation is crucial. Overloading our skin can lead to disruptions. Consistently maintaining a skincare routine over time is like laying a strong foundation for long-term skincare. Being a long-term skincare enthusiast means making smart choices in skincare products without overdoing it, avoiding excessive layering, and not pushing our skin too hard. Allow your skin to take a breather occasionally, pract