
Showing posts from September, 2023

The skin is one of the body's underappreciated organs.

Our skin, the body's largest organ, goes through daily metabolism and requires nutrients. But where do the nutrients we consume go first? They prioritize essential organs like the brain and heart,leaving the skin for last. On the flip side, daily exposure to things like UV rays,PM2.5 particles, and acidic or alkaline environments starts with our skin! For instance: A 60-year-old person can walk, work, live, and think without any issues. But take a look at their skin? Wrinkles are clearly visible. From our daily lives, we can conclude: The body's defense against the external environment and daily protection primarily rely on the skin, and aging also starts with the skin. In the hierarchy of life's priorities, the skin comes last. So, have you noticed that the skin isn't as appreciated as it should be? Considering the skin's importance, why not take good care of it with diligence? #skincare #beauty tips #anti aging #eye mask #eye patch #eye cream #viicode #E

Why My Skin Pores Got Bigger

Today, I'd like to share my own experience and discuss why my skin pores ended up getting larger. It's a pretty common issue, and I'm sure many of you have encountered it too. Firstly, one of the main culprits for enlarged skin pores is excessive cleansing. I've been down the path of over-cleansing, which led to my skin losing its natural protective barrier and making those pores more visible. The recommended approach here is to gently cleanse your face in the morning and evening, avoiding too much irritation. Another common reason is sun exposure. Those UV rays from the sun can harm your skin tissues, making your pores seem larger. So, always remember to use broad-spectrum sunscreen, throw on a hat, and slip on those sunglasses to protect your skin. Using the wrong skincare products can also be problematic. Some products might be too greasy or pore-clogging, which can cause those pores to expand. I suggest going for non-comedogenic skincare products, like lightweig

Daytime Skincare vs. Nighttime Skincare: The Differences

Hi everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about the differences between daytime skincare and nighttime skincare, and why the nighttime is the golden period for skin repair. Daytime Skincare: Protection and Defense During the day, our skin is exposed to UV rays, environmental pollution, and various elements. Therefore, the key to daytime skincare is protecting the skin. What we need at this time are sunscreen, antioxidants, and barrier products. Sunscreen is an absolute must as it protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. Additionally, antioxidants help combat free radicals, and barrier products help prevent pollution particles from entering the skin. Nighttime Skincare: Nourishment and Repair Nighttime is the golden period for skin repair because between 11 pm and 5 am, the speed of skin cell growth and repair skyrockets, and the efficiency of absorbing skincare products is higher. This is why we often say that sleep is crucial for skin health. If you don't get en

What kind of food is good for Anti-Aging?

I believe that diet can have a significant impact on the skin, so I've been searching for foods that are good for anti-aging. Here's a list I've compiled for reference: 1. Soybeans: Soy isoflavones in soybeans have antioxidant properties that can suppress cell inflammation. 2. Guava: Guava has the highest vitamin C content among fruits, three times more than lemons. It's an excellent antioxidant and helps prevent skin aging. 3. Nuts: Nuts can combat free radicals caused by external factors or internal processes, thanks to their oxidative-reducing properties. 4. Green Tea: Green tea is known for reducing cholesterol, protecting the heart, and inhibiting cell aging, making it an effective antioxidant. 5. Blueberries: Blueberries have exceptional free radical-fighting abilities, with 50 times more vitamin E and 20 times more vitamin C than most fruits. 6. Cauliflower: Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a potent antioxidant enzyme found in cauliflower that clears free radicals

What is Minimalist Skincare?

Today, let's talk about minimalist skincare. Have you heard of it? Here's a simple explanation: Minimalist skincare focuses on choosing the right products rather than expensive ones. It's about using skincare products that suit your skin rather than piling on unnecessary ones. I once met a lady who used few different serums in a single skincare routine, and I've also seen friends who invested in high-end skincare brands but still had skin issues. This tells us that price doesn't always equal effectiveness. However, minimalist skincare doesn't mean using nothing at all. Instead, it encourages us to select the simplest skincare products and methods based on objective factors like season, age, and environment, to properly care for our skin. On my minimalist skincare essentials list, there are a few products I always use. VIICODE T2 Oxygen eye cream are one of them, as they work wonders for under-eye dark circles and fine lines. Aesop's facial mist has alway

The Effects of Exercise on Your Skin!

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but many athletes have incredibly healthy and smooth-looking skin. I've always been curious if it's because of their regular physical activity that their skin looks so good. Their skin typically has a radiant glow and hardly any noticeable issues, which has piqued my curiosity. I'm a fitness enthusiast myself and have been consistently working out for years, including activities like jogging, yoga, and swimming. During this journey, I've noticed some interesting changes that I'd like to share with everyone. I've found that exercise helps promote blood circulation, which may provide more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, making it more vibrant. Furthermore, exercise aids in sweating, which is a way for the body to detoxify. After each workout, I feel like my skin is refreshed as pores open up, sweat and toxins are expelled, reducing the formation of acne. Another change I've experienced is an improvement in my slee

Sharing My Experience of Adult Acne Issues

Hey there, everyone! I want to chat about adult acne, a problem I've personally wrestled with. Let's be honest, adult acne can be a real bother, especially when you thought you were past those teenage years. For me, the very first step that truly mattered was understanding what causes it. Stress and diet turned out to be the big triggers in my case. Stress in life had a direct impact on my skin, so I tried incorporating some relaxation habits, like meditation and taking leisurely walks, to help me cope with it. Now, let's talk about diet because it's a game-changer. I cut back on those high-sugar and high-fat foods and loaded up on fruits, veggies, and foods packed with Omega-3 fatty acids. Believe it or not, these tweaks did wonders for my skin. When it comes to skincare, picking the right products is a big deal. I went for products containing salicylic acid, which worked wonders in clearing out my pores and taming those pesky acne spots. But here's the thing:

My experience of repair damaged skin barrier

I recently went through a bit of a skin issue - my skin barrier took a hit. It was a complete mess, and the stress and pressure turned my skin super sensitive. It was seriously annoying, especially for someone who usually takes pride in their skin. So, first things first, when I realized my skin barrier was acting up, I was hit with a sense of panic. I had no idea what to do, and it felt like my skin was practically begging for help. That's when I decided to ditch all the harsh skincare products, and yes, even my all-time favorite serum got benched. It was a real downer because I hate seeing my skin go downhill. After that, I switched to gentle cleansing products and cut back on over-cleansing to keep my skin's natural oils intact. I also paid more attention to my diet, loading up on antioxidants and vitamins, and made sure I stayed well-hydrated. Over time, I started noticing improvements. Moisturizer became my new best friend, and I could sense my skin gradually bouncing

Sharing My Personal Take on Premature Skin Aging Signs

I'd like to chat about my thoughts on premature skin aging, a topic that's been on my radar for quite some time. First things first, let's dive into wrinkles. Wrinkles are a dead giveaway for early aging, especially those pesky fine lines around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. To tackle these wrinkle woes, I've discovered that using skincare products loaded with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid can work wonders. Another telltale sign of premature aging is skin discoloration. You might notice your skin looking dull, those dark spots cropping up, or patches, especially after some sun exposure. So, do remember to slather on that high SPF sunscreen to fend off discoloration. Now, the loss of elasticity is a common concern too. Prematurely aging skin often feels a bit saggy and less tight. What I've found really helps is using skincare products containing peptides and collagen to give that elasticity a boost. And let's not forget the importance of keeping your skin

How to Determine My Skin Type?

Today, I'd like to share with everyone how to determine your skin type and offer some tips on caring for different skin types. I've been puzzled by this question before, but after some experimentation and research, I finally figured out my own skin type. Recently, some people have asked me, "What's my skin type, really?" This question might seem simple, but it's the first step in establishing an effective skincare routine. In this post, I want to share my experience in how I determined my skin type and hope it can be helpful to you. Step 1: Cleanse Your Face First, make sure your face is clean with no residue from skincare products. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face and then pat it dry. Wait for about an hour to let your skin return to its natural state. Step 2: Observe Your Skin After an hour, closely observe your skin, paying attention to the following aspects: 1. Oiliness: Does your face feel oily? If so, which areas are more noticeable? 2. Dryn

Does oily skin need moisturizer?

Hello everyone, today I'd like to share my experience with moisturizer usage. Perhaps you've wondered, just as I have, whether people with oily skin truly need to use moisturizers, so I'd like to share my perspective. Firstly, individuals with oily skin often worry that using moisturizers will make their skin even oilier. However, in reality, the right moisturizer can significantly improve this situation. I've found that if I don't use moisturizer, my skin feels dry, which prompts it to produce more oil to compensate for the moisture loss, ultimately leading to more breakouts. So, for oily skin, it's crucial to choose a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer. I typically opt for gel-based or water-based formulas that don't leave a greasy feeling on the skin. Additionally, I make sure the moisturizer contains some oil-controlling ingredients to help manage excess oil production. If you enjoy wearing makeup, a moisturizer can also make your makeup last longer an

Does vitamin E help your skin?

Hello, I'd like to share my experience regarding the impact of using Vitamin E on the skin. First, let me clarify that I'm not a professional dermatologist; I'm just an ordinary skincare enthusiast, so this is purely based on my personal experience. Vitamin E is a widely discussed ingredient with many claims about its effects on skin improvement. Over some time, I've tried various products, including skincare items containing Vitamin E. Here are my observations: 1. Hydration: I found that using Vitamin E skincare products helped my skin retain moisture, making it appear more plump and healthy. This was especially effective during cold winters. 2. Reducing Inflammation: Vitamin E possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help reduce minor skin inflammations like redness and irritation. I've used it to soothe sunburn with decent results. 3. Improving Skin Texture: I have some fine lines and scars, and I found that long-term use of products

How To Know If Your Skin Is Dry Or Dehydrated

I recently noticed that many friends are confused about how to distinguish between dry skin and dehydrated skin. I think this issue is very important for our daily skincare routine. Therefore, I would like to share some of my personal experiences and knowledge in the hope that it will be helpful to everyone. First, to distinguish skin conditions, we need to understand the difference between dryness and dehydration. Dryness typically refers to a lack of oil in the skin, while dehydration is a lack of moisture. Here are some methods I provide based on my own experience to help you determine your skin condition: Characteristics of Dry Skin: - The skin feels rough and may sometimes flake. - The skin may feel tight, especially after washing or using cleansers. - It may be accompanied by itching and sometimes even redness. Characteristics of Dehydrated Skin: - The skin feels thirsty but may not necessarily flake. - Fine lines may appear, especially in areas with facial expressions, such

Can Love Give You Better Skin?

Today, I want to dive into an intriguing question: Can being in love actually improve the quality of your skin? It's a captivating topic because we all know that our emotional state can have a significant impact on our physical well-being. I'd like to share my personal experiences and see if anyone else can relate. First and foremost, there's no denying that love can make you feel happier and more content, and this boost in positive emotions might just show on your skin. When you're in a state of happiness, your body releases more endorphins and dopamine, chemicals that can enhance your skin's glow and elasticity. I've noticed that during a wonderful romantic relationship, my skin often looks more radiant and healthier. On the flip side, if you're going through emotional stress or facing relationship challenges, it could potentially take a toll on your skin. Stress and anxiety are known to trigger skin issues like aggravated acne or skin sensitivities. I&

Does diet affect acne and blemishes?

Today, I'd like to share some of my personal experiences regarding the connection between diet and acne and blemishes. The link between diet and skin health has always been a hot topic, and I believe many of us have had some experiences in this regard. First, let me briefly mention my background. I used to struggle with acne and blemishes, especially during my teenage years. I tried various skincare products at that time, but the results weren't very noticeable. Later on, I started paying attention to my diet and tried to adjust my eating habits. 1. Food Choices: High-sugar and high-GI (glycemic index) foods in your diet, such as candies, sweet drinks, and white bread, can lead to blood sugar fluctuations, potentially triggering acne. It's advisable to opt for low-GI foods like whole grains, vegetables, and healthy proteins. 2. Dairy Products: Some people may be sensitive to dairy products, which could potentially lead to acne. If you suspect dairy might be an issue, yo

My Skin's Lost Its Radiance?

Hello, friends! Lately, I've noticed that my skin seems to have lost its previous radiance, and it's been bothering me. I'd like to share my experience with everyone and hear your advice. I'm a woman in my 30s, and my skin used to be glowing, but in the past few months, I've noticed it's become dull and lacking in radiance. I've made sure to stay well-hydrated, drinking plenty of water every day, but the results don't seem to be showing. My skincare routine includes using a gentle cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen both morning and night. I also regularly use face masks, especially hydrating and brightening ones, but it seems like the effects aren't lasting. I've been considering whether I should incorporate some new ingredients into my skincare routine, like vitamin C or hyaluronic acid. But before I proceed, I'd like to hear your advice. Have any of you had similar experiences? How did you restore radiance to your skin?

How to Achieve Even Skin Tone: Tips for Flawless Skin

I'd like to share some tips on how to achieve a more even skin tone. I understand that most people desire flawless skin, so I hope these shared experiences can be helpful to you! 1. Daily Cleansing: Firstly, make sure to cleanse gently both morning and night to remove dirt and oils. I personally prefer using a mild cleanser because it won't strip the skin of its natural moisture. 2. Exfoliation: Regularly exfoliating with a scrub helps to remove dead skin cells and promote a more even complexion. However, remember not to overdo it to avoid skin irritation. 3. Moisturize Adequately: Keeping your skin well-hydrated is crucial. I often use moisturizers with oxygenating botanicals as they help keep the skin supple, contributing to an even skin tone. 4. Sun Protection: Sunburn not only causes uneven skin tone but also accelerates skin aging. So, use SPF daily, even on cloudy days. 5. Skin Brightening Products: If you have dark spots or blemishes, skin brightening products mig

How to Cleverly Combine Multiple Serums

Hello, everyone! Today, I'd like to share my personal experience on how to cleverly combine multiple serums. Of course, this is just my perspective, but I hope it can help some of you. 1. Identify Your Skin Needs: Everyone's skin is different, so the first step is to determine your own needs. Do you need hydration, brightening, anti-aging, or other specific effects? 2. Understand the Benefits of Serums: It's essential to know the benefits of each serum and when to use them. For instance, Vitamin C serum has antioxidant properties and is suitable for morning use, while hyaluronic acid serum provides hydration and is ideal for the evening. 3. Layering: Typically, I start with lighter serums and then move on to thicker ones. This helps with absorption and ensures that each product can deliver its maximum benefits. 4. Choose Compatible Serums: Make sure the serums you choose are compatible with each other and won't cause adverse reactions on your skin. Avoid mixing pro

When to use Vitamin C in your skincare routine

Hello everyone! I'd like to share my thoughts on when to use Vitamin C in your skincare routine and my personal experiences. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with many benefits for the skin, including reducing wrinkles, brightening the complexion, and minimizing dullness. However, timing is crucial. Based on my experience and research, here are my recommendations: Morning Use: I personally recommend incorporating Vitamin C into your morning skincare routine. This is because Vitamin C helps combat free radicals and UV radiation, which are threats your skin faces during the day. I typically use a Vitamin C serum after washing my face and then apply sunscreen to ensure thorough protection for my skin. Nighttime Use: While you can also use Vitamin C at night, be cautious not to mix it with too many other active ingredients to avoid skin irritation. I suggest keeping your nighttime skincare routine simple when using Vitamin C, without combining it with too many other components.

The Role of Facial Oils in Skincare Routine

Hello, everyone! I'd like to discuss an essential element of my skincare routine, which is facial oils. I've always been interested in this topic because I believe it can make my skin healthier, but I also understand that it's not necessary for everyone. So, I'd like to share some of my experiences and look forward to hearing your thoughts. For me, facial oil has become an indispensable part of my skincare routine. My skin is combination, and sometimes it can get dry, especially in the winter. Recently, I started using rosehip oil, and I found it to be very beneficial for my skin. It not only provides deep hydration but also reduces redness and sensitivity. I typically use it at night, applying a few drops evenly on my face and gently massaging it in. When I wake up in the morning, my skin feels soft and smooth. Of course, facial oil isn't suitable for everyone, especially those who already have oily skin. I've also tried other types of facial oils, and some

Has anyone tried traditional Chinese medicine skincare methods?

Recently, I experimented with a skincare approach that's different from the conventional methods - traditional Chinese medicine skincare, with one of its key ingredients being Ganoderma (Reishi mushroom). I'd like to share my personal experience. Firstly, I have to admit that I've always been a skincare enthusiast, trying various products to find what works best for me. So, when I heard about traditional Chinese medicine skincare and how Ganoderma might help improve skin conditions, I decided to give it a try. I consulted an experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who conducted a thorough skin examination and created a customized skincare plan for me, including Ganoderma-based products. He explained that Ganoderma is believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties, which can help improve skin texture, brighten complexion, and enhance skin immunity. I began using the Ganoderma products recommended by the Chinese medicine practitio

When does sunscreen expire and how long does it last?

Hello! I've been grappling with a question recently about the shelf life of sunscreen and how long it remains effective on the skin. After some research and personal experience, I'd like to share my insights in the hopes that it might be helpful. Shelf Life: Firstly, you can typically find the shelf life of sunscreen indicated on its packaging. They are usually labeled with a symbol resembling an open jar and mention the number of months, such as 12M for 12 months or 24M for 24 months. This means that it should be usable for that duration after you've opened the bottle under normal conditions. However, there are additional factors that can affect the lifespan of sunscreen. How you store it is crucial. It's best to keep it in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, as exposure to sunlight and high temperatures can cause its ingredients to degrade. Additionally, make sure the cap is tightly closed to prevent air and bacteria from getting in. If your sunscreen develop

Does sunscreen help with acne?

Hello! I'd like to share my experience with sunscreen, especially its impact on acne. At first, I was concerned that using sunscreen might lead to more acne. However, it depends on the product you choose and how you use it. Here are my personal insights: 1. Choose sunscreen suitable for your skin: It's crucial to select a sunscreen that matches your skin type. If you have oily skin, consider using an oil-free sunscreen to reduce the risk of clogged pores. In my experience, choosing a sunscreen specifically designed for acne-prone skin helped improve my acne. 2. Application method: Sunscreen should be applied every morning, even on cloudy or rainy days. My rule of thumb is to use skincare products first, tailored to your needs, and then apply sunscreen. This ensures that sunscreen doesn't interfere with the absorption of other skincare products. 3. Regular cleansing: Alongside sunscreen use, regular skin cleansing is essential. This can prevent sunscreen buildup in pore

4 Methods for Tightening Facial Skin Based on My Personal Experience!

Hello everyone! Today, I'd like to share my personal experience with achieving tighter facial skin. Achieving firm skin has always been one of my skincare goals, and I've tried various methods. Now, let me share with you four methods that I've tried. 1. **Regular Massage:** Firstly, I've found that regular facial massages are very helpful in promoting blood circulation and stimulating skin elasticity. I use some natural skincare oils like rosehip oil or grapeseed oil and gently massage my face, especially as part of my nighttime skincare routine. 2. **Balanced Diet:** I've tried to maintain a balanced diet, ensuring an intake of sufficient vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I consume plenty of vegetables and fruits, maintain proper sleep, and avoid excessive sugar and processed foods. 3. **Skincare Products:** I've incorporated some products into my skincare routine that focus on improving firmness. For example, serums containing vitamin C and hyaluronic